
In package com.cdsap.talaiot.configuration

class com.cdsap.talaiot.configuration.InfluxDbPublisherConfiguration

Configuration for the InfluxDbPublisher. It belongs to the Publisher configurations

influxDbPublisher { dbName = "tracking" url = "url" taskMetricName = "tracking" buildMetricName = "buildMetric"



var name: String

name of the publisher

var dbName: String

name of the InfluxDb database, will be automatically created

var url: String

url from the InfluxDb instance required to send the measurements. For instance http://localhost:8086

var taskMetricName: String

metric to identify the measurement in InfluxDb

var buildMetricName: String

metric name to identify the build measurements in InfluxDb

var username: String

optional username for authentication

var password: String

optional password for authorization

var retentionPolicyConfiguration: RetentionPolicyConfiguration

metrics retention policy. By default it's named as rpTalaiot and duration is 30 days



Configuration for the InfluxDbPublisher. It belongs to the Publisher configurations

influxDbPublisher { dbName = "tracking" url = "url" taskMetricName = "tracking" buildMetricName = "buildMetric"


  • No parameters