
In package com.cdsap.talaiot.publisher.graphpublisher

class com.cdsap.talaiot.publisher.graphpublisher.HtmlPublisher

Publisher used to publish with the Html format.


var logTracker: LogTracker

LogTracker to print in console depending on the Mode

var fileWriter: FileWriter

File I/O utility


constructor(logTracker: LogTracker, fileWriter: FileWriter, executor: Executor)

Publisher used to publish with the Html format.



fun publish(report: ExecutionReport)

Publish the results given one Publisher implementation

fun formatNode(internalId: Int, module: String, taskName: String, numberDependencies: Int, cached: Boolean): String

Abstract function to format the information related with the node. Depending on the Publisher we may want to format the node representation on different way. Node here represent a tracked Task with Talaiot

  • internalId: Int

    internalId for the node

  • module: String

    module which belongs the task

  • taskName: String

    name of the task tracked

  • numberDependencies: Int

    number of task dependencies

  • cached: Boolean

    represents if the task has been cached during the execution

fun formatEdge(from: Int, to: Int?): String

Abstract function to format the information related with the edge.

  • from: Int

    origin of the relation, internalId

  • to: Int?

    destination of the relation, internalId