
In package com.cdsap.talaiot.entities

class com.cdsap.talaiot.entities.NodeArgument

Tasks included in the Gradle build as start commands need to track information to aggregate the data. AssembleDebug for example won't return the overall execution of these tasks but we want to track it. It contains an internal counter and the duration.


task: String

Task retrieved from the queue representing the main task

var ms: Long

Duration of the execution

var counter: Int

Internal counter representing the tasks executed depending on the counter


constructor(task: String, ms: Long, counter: Int)

Tasks included in the Gradle build as start commands need to track information to aggregate the data. AssembleDebug for example won't return the overall execution of these tasks but we want to track it. It contains an internal counter and the duration.

  • task: String
  • ms: Long
  • counter: Int